Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 20 Nov 1968

Vol. 237 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Water and Sewerage Schemes.


asked the Minister for Local Government what grants will be available from his Department and the local authority to finance the Ballylooby group water scheme at Chair, County Tipperary; and when work will commence on the scheme.

Maximum State and local authority grants totalling £120 per house will be payable on this scheme. The group should be in a position to commence work shortly.


asked the Minister for Local Government when work will commence on the Douglas, Rochestown water scheme, County Cork.

Contract documents for stage one of the Rochestown-Douglas-Grange water supply scheme were approved by me on the 10th July, 1968. Subsequent major development in the Ringaskiddy area has, however, necessitated a revision of the scheme.

Preliminary proposals for the new scheme were recently submitted to my Department and are under examination.


asked the Minister for Local Government when work will commence on the Bridevalley water scheme, County Cork.

Having regard to the necessity to conserve capital for housing and other essential services only those sanitary services works of the highest priority can be allowed to proceed at the present time. On this basis I am not yet in a position to say when a decision on the scheme referred to by the Deputy is likely to issue.


asked the Minister for Local Government whether there are proposals before his Department for the provision of a water supply for the Baskin Cottages, Cloghran, County Dublin; and, if so, whether he will expedite sanction of the proposals.

Dublin County Council's proposals for the provision of a water supply for Baskin cottages, Cloghran, which were submitted to my Department on the 11th instant are at present under examination.

I am sure we can take it that there will be no undue delay?

The Deputy certainly can. It will be expedited.


asked the Minister for Local Government if he has yet approved the plan for the proposed sewerage scheme at Cahir, County Tipperary; and whether it contains provision for servicing houses at Carrigeen, Cahir.

Tipperary (SR) County Council's proposals for a water and sewerage scheme to serve council houses at Carrigeen, Cahir, were approved by me on 8th October, 1968.


asked the Minister for Local Government when he intends to sanction the sewerage scheme for Ballingare, Castlerea, County Roscommon.

Having regard to the necessity to conserve available capital for housing and other essential services only those sanitary services works of the highest priority can be allowed at the present time. On this basis I am not yet in a position to say when a decision on the scheme referred to by the Deputy is likely to issue.
