Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 11 Nov 1969

Vol. 242 No. 4

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Probation Service.


asked the Minister for Justice whether the Government have under consideration any proposals for the establishment of a probation hostel.


asked the Minister for Justice whether the position of probation administration officer is vacant; if so, for how long; and when a replacement will be available.


asked the Minister for Justice what progress has been made in the organisation of a Statewide probation service since the position of probation administration officer was established.


asked the Minister for Justice why the institution for the first offenders at Shanganagh Castle was placed under the care of the prison authorities.


asked the Minister for Justice how many welfare officers are attached to the institution for first offenders at Shanganagh Castle.

With your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 49 to 53 together.

The Deputy appears to be misinformed about the institution at Shanganagh. It is not an institution catering solely for first offenders, nor is it under the care of the prison authorities. It has its own governor and its own staff. Young offenders sentenced to detention in St. Patrick's Institution are transferred to Shanganagh when it appears that they will benefit from the regime in operation there. The welfare officer in St. Patrick's is at present responsible for the welfare service at Shanganagh.

As regards the other matters, I would refer the Deputy to my reply to a question on 30th October, when I indicated that a comprehensive report submitted to me on the probation and after-care service is under consideration. In the meantime I am deferring a decision on the filling of the vacancy for probation administration officer.

This is pretty cavalier treatment of this matter. Is there not an old complaint against the Minister's Department that this service has been neglected for a very long time? Is it not a fact that there was an illiberal tradition in his Department for a very long time? Since a liberal attitude has come into the Department we would expect it to apply to this service in the sense that something would be done about it. Things are being done about many other matters in the Minister's Department and for a long period of years nothing at all was done about this service. The reports were pigeon-holed, and so on. Is it not time, now that the State is 50 years in existence, for his Department to do something about this service?

My Department are, in fact, doing something about this service and it was for this purpose that I set up the inquiry to which I referred in my reply, if the Deputy will read it. The introduction of the service in Shanganagh is quite recent so we are, in fact, doing something about it. I am not so much concerned with the past as with the future.

I should like to ask the Minister specifically in relation to Question No. 50, is it not a fact that the probation administration officer was transferred to the legal adoption board?

Yes, that is so, and that is no news. Everyone knows it.

I do not think it is very satisfactory.

I have informed the Deputy that the whole service is being reorganised.
