Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 18 Dec 1969

Vol. 243 No. 11

Ceisteanna—Questions, Oral Answers. - Kilkee Resort Development.


asked the Minister for Transport and Power whether he has received any proposals from Bord Fáilte in relation to a development scheme for Kilkee, County Clare; whether he is aware of the urgency of having these proposals proceeded with in view of Kilkee's importance as a tourist centre; and when approval will be forthcoming.

The administration of the major resort development scheme is a function of Bord Fáilte and my approval of development plans is not required.

I am informed by Bord Fáilte that a resort development scheme for Kilkee has been prepared and that the board have already provided £50,000 towards the cost of a caravan park, golf clubhouse and shelter, promenade improvements, access works and property acquisition there.

Funds for the promotion of tourism have been provided on an ever increasing scale for a number of years. Of necessity, priority was given to promotional and marketing work and the development of holiday accommodation. In the circumstances, the funds available for resort development have had to be limited. This has resulted in the deferment of certain resort development works at Kilkee and other resorts.

The level of funds to be provided for resort development in the coming year has not yet been determined and will fall for settlement in the light of other demands on the Capital Budget.

Is the Minister aware that the local authorities in Clare, apart altogether from the guesthouse owners and hoteliers, are alarmed at the failure to approve the necessary funds to finance this scheme?

There are a large number of resort development schemes for consideration, including the one the Deputy mentioned at Kilkee. There are no funds available this year. We have spent about £1 million on resort development in the last three years over the whole country, and I am unable to state at what point funds will become available at Kilkee for the extension of the scheme. The Deputy will appreciate that a great deal has been done in Kilkee already. I have given a list of the works which have been carried out and which amount to very considerable assistance to the resort.

The unemployed in the area adjacent to Kilkee and in Kilkee itself have no alternative employment. Will the Minister consider introducing the first stage of the scheme in order to relieve that unemployment? Would he also give some indication when the money will be allocated?

I cannot say when the money will be allocated, but I would point out to the Deputy that Bord Fáilte resort development schemes bear no relation whatever to the question of solving the problem of unemployment. They are carefully organised and planned to do a particular job at a particular time for the sake of providing employment in the tourist industry as a whole and not the employment immediately afforded by the carrying out of the work. As a result there has been a great increase in seasonal employment generally in the tourist industry in which something like 160,000 people are employed directly or indirectly.

I hope the Minister will consider the unemployed in the area.
