Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 26 Feb 1970

Vol. 244 No. 11

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Free Transport Facilities.


asked the Minister for Defence whether he is aware of the invidious position arising regarding many IRA veterans who are unable owing to disablement to use the free transport facilities themselves, by reason of the fact that their wives are not eligible for this service and incur transport costs in looking after their husbands; and whether he will extend the facility in order to remove this anomaly.

In accordance with the 1968 Budget Statement of the Minister for Finance the benefits of the free travel scheme for old age pensioners have been made available to the following persons who served in the War of Independence:—

(a) military service pensioners;

(b) disability pensioners whose disablement relates to the pre-Truce period;

(c) persons in receipt of special allowances;

(d) holders of the 1916 medal, the service (1917-1921) medal with bar or a "duly awarded" service (1917-1921) medal without bar.

The wife of a veteran is entitled to free travel under the scheme administered by my Department only if she comes within one of these categories. It is not proposed to alter this position.
