Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 19 Mar 1970

Vol. 245 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Medical Officers' Leave.


asked the Minister for Health the reason for the failure of the Dublin Health Authority and Donegal Health Authority to institute the 65 days leave recently allotted to district medical officers.

I understand that the introduction of the new time-off arrangements for district medical officers, to which I have already given general approval to health authorities, is to be considered by the Donegal County Council in respect of district medical officers in its area at a meeting next week. I understand also that district medical officers in the area of the Dublin Health Authority were notified of the introduction of the new time-off arrangements by a circular letter issued on the 27th of last month.

Could the Minister say if his Department are meeting the full cost involved in operating this arrangement, or is it to be borne by the health authorities, or how is it to be paid for?

It is paid for on a 50/50 basis, as far as I know. It is a change of conditions in an existing service.

Is the Minister aware of any reason why Dublin Health Authority should not introduce this?

As the Deputy may know, there are some sick calls systems already in operation and Dublin Health Authority are finding out from the medical officers concerned whether they would prefer to continue their system or to take the offer from the authority.

I think they have not been given the option.

Is the Minister correct in saying 50/50? In view of the fact that this is an additional charge, would it not be met in toto by the Minister's Department?

I cannot remember everything. I shall have to communicate with the Deputy, but I think it is a change in the conditions of service and that it would not warrant a 100 per cent grant. It is an improvement in the conditions of service and I do not think such improvements are financed 100 per cent by the State.

The Minister did say that over 2s in the £ would be met by the State and if this is an additional 2s, will it not be met by the State?

As far as I know this was put into the Estimate but I cannot remember every detail of the Estimate.
