Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 30 Apr 1970

Vol. 246 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Galway Estates.


asked the Minister for Lands when it is proposed to allocate the Bodkin estate, Curracreen, Lavally, Tuam, County Galway; and the reasons for the delay in the allocation of same.

This 38-acre holding was transferred to the Land Commission some years ago, by way of exchange for other lands within County Galway.

Difficulties arose which rendered completion of the exchange proceedings uncertain and, accordingly, it was considered inadvisable to dispose of the lands surrendered by the migrant.

However, I understand that the aim now is to include the lands in next year's allocation programme.


asked the Minister for Lands the position with regard to the acquisition of the Courtney estate at Timaduane and Killavoher, Clonberne, County Galway.

Proceedings for the compulsory acquisition of this 49-acre holding have reached the stage where the question of price remains to be determined.


asked the Minister for Lands when it is proposed to allocate the Crehan estate, Castlebellew, Moylough, County Galway.

Resale plans for the Crehan estate have been formulated and it is hoped that allocation of at least part of the lands will be effected this season.


asked the Minister for Lands when it is proposed to allocate the Lohan and Fahy estates, Clooncunore, Kilkerrin, Ballinasloe, County Galway.

The Land Commission have reached agreement for the purchase of the 60-acre Fahy estate and the sale has just been closed. As yet I am unable to say when allotment will be effected.

It is hoped to allot the balance—33 acres—of the Lohan estate in the spring of 1971.
