Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 24 Jun 1970

Vol. 247 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Aircraft Noise.


asked the Minister for Transport and Power whether he has received any report from the study group set up to investigate the problem of noise nuisance from aircraft.

I assume that the Deputy is referring to the report of the firm of specialist consultants which I told him, in reply to a question on 4th February, 1970, had been engaged to advise in this matter of noise nuisance from aircraft.

The question of aircraft noise nuisance has various aspects. The consultants whom I have mentioned are advising in relation to the level of noise at airports which could be expected to be significant and the areas in the vicinity of airports in which this noise level would be likely to be experienced having regard to the runways in use and other factors. The consultant's report was recently received and it is at present under study in my Department.

Another aspect is the measurement of actual noise levels and, as I told the Deputy earlier, the Institute for Industrial Research and Standards is co-operating with my Department in this.

The Deputy has earlier indicated an interest in the possible effect on the health of people, especially the young, of the existing noise nuisance. In this respect, this country is participating with other States in international action through ICAO in relation to the noise question generally and, in particular, to the effect on physical or mental health of exposure to noise of a given level and character. A recent ICAO meeting on the subject decided that present knowledge is inadequate to allow consideration of physical health effects as a possible basis for specification of noise exposure limits but the meeting recommended that the council of ICAO should request the World Health Organisation and other agencies to pursue and collaborate in medical and psychological research on the effects on man of long-term exposure to noise such as occurs in the vicinity of airports. We will look to this source for expert guidance on the health aspects involved and when the results of the research proposed come to hand I will be in touch with the Minister for Health in relation to them.
