Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 2 Jul 1970

Vol. 248 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Road Workers' Wages.


asked the Minister for Local Government why recommendations for wage increases for road and allied workers employed by certain local authorities, which are before his Department for some months, have not yet been sanctioned.

A number of proposals for increases in road workers wages have been received in my Department and these have had to be examined in the context of a possible national wage agreement and of their implications for other local authorities. This examination is now complete and sanctions are being issued this week.

What about South Tipperary?

We did not receive any from South Tipperary.

Yes you did.

My information states that proposals were received from certain local authorities. I do not see South Tipperary council included in that list.

The county manager stated to me that he forwarded it quite some time ago.

If it is in the Department there will be no delay in sanctioning it.

The Minister said it was sanctioned with the others. It is before his Department.

Those submitted to my Department. I do not see it on my list.

Does the Minister understand that the increases he has sanctioned are interim increases?

That is right.

Therefore, the effect they would have on other outside rates would not be relevant at all.

These are merely interim, but still required examination, as I have stated in my reply.
