Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 16 Dec 1970

Vol. 250 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Arterial Drainage.


asked the Minister for Finance what priority the Lung river in Counties Mayo and Roscommon has got in the arterial drainage schemes.

The Lung river is in the Boyle Catchment which is No. 13 in the priority list of major catchments for consideration under the Arterial Drainage Act, 1945. A drainage scheme under the Act is being prepared.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that there are 800 land holders in that area a large portion of whose land is flooded so that they cannot use lime or artificial manures in the spring? In view of the fact that machinery has been there for the Moy scheme and now that the Corrib is about to start, would the Parliamentary Secretary consider putting this river higher in the priority list?

I understand the problems here but we have certain statutory obligations under the 1945 Act. I am told that the engineers' preliminary report and an estimate for the proposed scheme will be available very shortly. By the time that arises and we have complied with other statutory provisions and got sanction from the Department of Finance to exhibit the scheme there is at least a year's work involved, even with the best intentions, before we could get into that area. Even then I cannot promise that this will take place in a year.

Could the Parliamentary Secretary give a rough idea of how long it will be before work is started?

I am reluctant to give firm dates as to when schemes will start because of the financial provisions made available for drainage and the increase in costs.
