Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 16 Dec 1970

Vol. 250 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Prices and Incomes Bill.


asked the Taoiseach if he will make a statement on the outcome of his discussions with the trade union and employer organisations on the proposed national agreement between the parties; and if he will, in particular, comment on the Government's decision relating to the Prices and Incomes Bill, 1970.

At the present stage of the negotiations, I do not wish to add anything to the official statements already issued.

As this is the final session of Question Time and as the House is about to adjourn, does the Taoiseach not accept that we should be in a position to know his mind in regard to the current position of the Prices and Incomes Bill or, at least, the mind of the Government? Could the Taoiseach say whether the Bill is or is not being deferred, withdrawn or whatever strategy is decided on?

This is typical of the instant type of government which Deputies opposite think is possible. I met the Congress of Trade Unions up to a late hour last evening. I was here early this morning introducing the Estimate. The Deputy must have patience. This is a serious matter and will have to be considered and not decided by cross questioning at this time of day.

May I ask the Taoiseach finally when he can give a decision on this matter?

Very, very soon.
