Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 11 May 1971

Vol. 253 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Student Travel Scheme.


Mr. O'Donnell

asked the Minister for Transport and Power if he is aware of the serious concern among students intending to travel to the USA this summer, under the standard travel scheme, about the failure of certain student travel organisations to make suitable travel and visa arrangements; and, if so, if he will make a statement on the matter.


asked the Minister for Transport and Power whether his attention has been drawn to the statements (details supplied) in relation to student travel organisations; and, if so, if he will make a statement to clarify the position of these bodies.

With the permission of the Ceann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 18 and 19 together.

I have seen the statements and am aware of the concern of students in regard to certain travel organisations. Student travel organisations who operate student air charters require my approval. Before such approval is forthcoming the organisation is required to be adequately sponsored by educational establishments and by student associations. Two organisations, who successfully organised student travel over the past few years, have so far produced adequate sponsorship viz. the Union of Students of Ireland Travel (USIT) and Irish Student Educational and Travel Association (ISETA). The former was approved some months ago, the latter has now been approved after it had produced evidence of the necessary sponsorship. An application from a third organisation named Irish Student Exchange Club (ISEC) which only recently appeared on the Irish scene has been investigated and I am not prepared to approve the operation of student charter flights by this organisation.

The question of visas which would enable Irish students to visit the United States for summer travel and employment opportunities is one for settlement as between the students travel organisations and the officially designated sponsors for exchange visitor programmes and the US authorities. I understand that while USIT has made arrangements with the designated organisation in the USA to sponsor its students for visa purposes, the ISETA is still negotiating for sponsorship at the present time.

Mr. O'Donnell

Is the Minister aware that 1,400 students who had booked flights to the States with ISETA and had paid their money now find, 20 days from the departure date of the first flight, that this organisation has no operating permission, the students have no visas, and the position has given rise to very serious concern? Is the Minister also aware that if the regulations which he introduced on January 1st last had been sufficiently comprehensive this type of situation could have been prevented?

This is a very complex field. First of all, I want to emphasise that the main trouble has been caused by this third organisation, ISEC, and having fully examined their case I refused them sponsorship at this end, so they now drop out of the field. In regard to the two organisations that were there, USIT and ISETA, the problem of the organisation referred to by the Deputy is not a problem at this end, because they got their sponsorship at this end; the problem is with the United States authorities with regard to getting visas. This is a matter outside my control altogether. What I want to emphasise is that so far the one body that got full support from the Irish end and from the American end are USIT; there is a second body now looking for visa facilities in the United States of America and there is a third body which now drops out altogether by reason of our refusal to sponsor it in any way.

Mr. O'Donnell

Is the Minister aware of any irregularities in the issuing of tickets to students?

I agree with the Deputy that the principal thing here is to have one student organisation. I had enough of student politics for some time some years ago and I am well aware, as the Deputy is, of the sort of internal in-fighting that goes on, but at least it is now rationalised to two organisations and on the face of it it looks as if the one organisation, the USIT, would appear to be in the best position at present to cope with the problem.

May I summarise the position by saying that the Minister has given permission to the ISETA which have no visas and have refused permission for flights to the ISEC which have visas?

The ISEC have neither visas nor facilities from this end. The USIT is the organisation which have got the facilities at both ends.

I understand that, but the ISEC claim to have visas through the International Student Travel Organisation. Is that statement incorrect?

They have to get visas from the US authorities. I am not talking about international student organisations. I am talking about the clearance which can be given——

The International Student Travel Organisation is sponsored by the International Student Service of 291 Broadway, New York. I would like the Minister to explain the position clearly to me.

I have fully investigated the position in regard to the ISEC, the third organisation, and I am satisfied from my inquiries, both in America and here, that it is not appropriate that they should be adopted by us as a suitable sponsoring organisation for student-travel in the coming year.
