Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 27 May 1971

Vol. 254 No. 3

Questions—Ceisteanna. Oral Answers. - Inchicore (Dublin) Road Traffic.


asked the Minister for Local Government what plans, if any, are at present before his Department for altering the traffic flow on the Inchicore Road, Dublin which at present constitutes a serious hazard.

This is primarily a matter for Dublin Corporation and the Garda. There are no plans before my Department in the matter. I understand, however, that the corporation are preparing plans which would enable part of Inchicore Road to operate as a one-way street. Some physical works would be required to give effect to this scheme and the corporation are working out the necessary details.

Has the Minister never gone out this road? I do not go out there very often but certainly there is a great traffic hazard there and it would be no harm if the Minister put some pressure on the corporation to get ahead with the job.
