Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 4 Nov 1971

Vol. 256 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Tullamore Industry.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce what type of industry will be established in the new IDA advance factory in Tullamore, County Offaly.

The project is one for the manufacture of industrial protective clothing. I should, perhaps, say that, while the negotiations for the establishment of the industry are at an advanced stage, they have not yet been finalised.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if, in view of recent redundancies in a firm at Tullamore, County Offaly (name supplied), and the crippling effect they are having because of existing unemployment there, he will give details of proposals for advance factories and indicate the range of industrial grants being made available to alleviate the serious unemployment problem in the town.

A contract has been placed by the Industrial Development Authority for the construction of a 22,000 square feet advance factory at Tullamore, County Offaly, and building is expected to commence early this month. Negotiations with the promoters of a project for the factory are in progress.

In accordance with the Industrial Development Act, 1969, grants of up to 45 per cent of fixed assets may be given for new and small industry projects in non-designated areas such as Tullamore.

Is the purpose of building this factory to give employment in the building industry?

No. It is also a contributory factor but it is the consequential employment that will be forthcoming when the factory has been erected——

The Minister is a simple man.

I can never read the Deputy's unwritten and unasked questions. I can only take them on their face value.

This is a plain question.

What about the unanswered questions in the Minister's party?

I answer every question I am asked.

They are under the carpet.

The Minister should be allowed to answer his questions.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he is aware that there is considerable speculation about the future of a firm at Tullamore, County Offaly (name supplied) arising from recent redundancies and if he has taken any steps to ensure that the employment of the workers in this industry will be maintained.

I have had a discussion with the trade union representatives both at national group and local level in relation to redundancies recently notified by the firm in question and my Department are considering the matters put forward by the union representatives. The employment situation in the firm and in the textile industry in general is being kept under constant review.

Is there any hope that those who are redundant could be re-employed within the firm? Could the Minister give any view on that?

As of now it is impossible to give any sort of an encouraging view, but discussions are going on and I made arrangements recently with a view to having discussions with the management to see what can be done to try to get over the problem that exists at present in the individual factory.

Live horse and you will get Fianna Fáil grass.

Are we to understand from the Minister's reply to Deputy Cowen that the unemployment which is so vast in Clara is now being extended to the larger town of Tullamore?

I can tell the Deputy for his information that at present there are as many employed as there were when Goodbodys were at their peak.

I am glad to give the Deputy a chance to come in.

Being from Clara the Deputy can state the up to date position.

Why did he ask the question?

I know that the Deputy will be pleased to learn——

Tell us the truth about Tullamore.

I have already replied.

The Minister is from the constituency.

That is damn bad for people there who are out of work and seeking employment.

This will be looked after.

Over in England with the other million who left.

I can only hope that I can do as well for Tullamore as will be done for Clara——

What about the rest of the country?

——and as is being done for Clara.

Parish politics, trying to do something for your own constituency and neglecting the rest of the country.

I was accused——

Redundancies are double what they were last year and unemployment is up by 10,000.

We cannot have a discussion on redundancy during Question Time.

He says he did his best but it is a poor best.

It is better than the Deputy will ever get an opportunity of doing.
