Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 25 Nov 1971

Vol. 257 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Offaly Estates.


asked the Minister for Lands if the following estates in County Offaly will be divided next spring: (a) Kelly estate. Killaderry, Daingean, (b) Hanlon estate, Ballyowen, Daingean, (c) Martyn estate, Killeigh, (d) Whigsborough estate, Birr, (e) Willington estate, Shinrone, Birr, (f) Quinn estate, Clonkeen, Clonbullogh, (g) Cocoman estate, Clonbrown, Clonbullogh and (h) Ruttledge estate, Ballyegan, Birr


asked the Minister for Lands why the Stearn estate (S.25529), Mountpleasant, Offaly, will not be divided next spring.

I propose, with the permission of the Ceann Comhairle, to take Questions Nos. 39 and 40 together.

The formulation of plans for division of the Kelly, Hanlon, Whigsborough, Quinn and Cocoman estates, aggregating 600 acres, has reached an advanced stage and it is hoped to allot a substantial part of the lands next spring.

Pending completion of the necessary inquiries on the ground, it is not feasible to indicate just now when schemes for division of the other properties mentioned by the Deputy can be formulated.


asked the Minister for Lands if the Moran estate, Kilfoylan, County Offaly, will be divided next spring among small holders.

I understand that a good deal of the necessary inquiries on the ground in connection with division of this 61-acre property have been completed and I am hopeful that resale plans will be approved so as to permit allocation of the lands next spring.

Question No. 42 postponed.
