Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 27 Jan 1972

Vol. 258 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Westmeath Lands.


asked the Minister for Lands if he is aware that in recent times there has been substantial purchasing of land in County Westmeath by non-farmers; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I am not aware that there has been any especially substantial purchasing of County Westmeath land by non-farmers.

At the moment, the Land Commission have proceedings for the acquisition of some 17 properties in Westmeath, aggregating over 2,000 acres; possession of a further 1,200 acres has passed to them since the beginning of the current financial year. I can assure the Deputy that the Land Commission will continue to exercise their statutory powers for compulsory acquisition of lands wherever circumstances warrant such a course.

The particular question of the purchase of land by non-farmers is to be viewed in the general context of an overall land policy. In this regard I would refer the Deputy to my reply to Deputy Hogan's question just now.

I would suggest to the Parliamentary Secretary that he consult with the staff of the Land Commission in the county concerned. I am sure they would have knowledge, which apparently he has not, that there has been a substantial purchase of land in recent months in County Westmeath by Dublin businessmen. This is causing great dissatisfaction among the farmers because, apart from taking up valuable land for semi-recreational purposes, they are pushing the price of land to unrealistic figures. It is ridiculous to say that no such significant purchases of land are taking place. The contrary is true.

I am informed that certain inquiries have been made. The Minister is satisfied that the incidence of land purchase by non-farmers is no greater in County Westmeath than in any other county.

I could give the Parliamentary Secretary a list of non-farmers who have bought land.
