Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 22 Feb 1972

Vol. 259 No. 1

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Office of the Houses of Oireachtas.


asked the Minister for Finance the number of vacancies unfilled in the various sections of the Office of the Houses of the Oireachtas in the years 1969, 1970, 1971 and in February, 1972.

The information sought by the Deputy is set out in a statement which, with your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I propose to circulate with the Official Report. Following is the statement:


Number of Vacancies at





Junior Clerk


4 (a)

Stationery Clerk


Senior Ushers and Ushers




4 (b)





4 (c)

Reporters (Grade II)


3 (d)

Assistant Librarian


(a)Three Executive Officers are on loan to the Office of the Houses of the Oireachtas pending the filling of these vacancies.

(b)A competition to fill these vacancies is being organised at the moment.

(c)The results of a recent competition, organised by the Civil Service Commission, are expected very shortly.

(d)As soon as the results of the Reporter competition are available, a competition for the recruitment of Reporters Grade II) will be organised.

Would the Minister not agree that in order to ensure that this House works efficiently it is necessary to have a full complement of staff? If that is so, can he state why there has been such a long delay in filling some of the vacancies?

I think that is a separate question.

It is not. I asked a question regarding the number of vacancies unfilled in various sections of the Office of the Houses of the Oireachtas in a number of years. The Minister must be aware that quite a number of vacancies have not been filled. Having regard to the huge unemployment problem, surely the Minister could get the necessary staff?

I am sure that the Deputy does not think this is a relief problem for unemployment. That is not where the difficulty arises.

I am sure the Minister will agree that if people who are fit to do the job and are unemployed were employed here it would be a relief for them at any rate.

I hope the Deputy is not suggesting that we have vacancies simply because we are not employing these people.

Would the Minister please tell me why he has not got the people to fill the vacancies?

If the Deputy reads the reply he will have all the information.

Is it possible for the Minister to give the number as at February, 1972?

They are in different grades. There are 15.

I might very well raise this matter on the Adjournment.

Having regard to the fact that there are 15 vacancies at present and in view of the likelihood of major reforms of Dáil procedures shortly and the probability that this will impose greater demands on the staff of the Oireachtas, would the Minister not have both Houses brought up to full complement immediately?

There are notes at the end of the tabular statement which indicate the steps that have been taken in respect of the categories in question.

Would the Minister not agree that part of the problem in filling posts in the Houses of the Oireachtas might be the lack of compensation for irregular hours and also lack of compensation for overtime on an adequate basis?

I do not think there is any evidence to suggest that either of these factors are operating in this regard.
