Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 30 May 1972

Vol. 261 No. 4

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Kerry Harbour.


asked the Minister for Finance if he is satisfied with the manner in which Dingle Harbour, County Kerry is being dredged; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The dredging works at Dingle Harbour are proceeding in accordance with the designed scheme. The contract has run beyond its stipulated completion date but the Commissioners of Public Works are pressing the contractors to complete the works as quickly as possible.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that this dredging is a dead loss and that the money expended represents money gone with the tide? Will he take steps immediately to see that proper dredging is carried out, because this thing is a fraud?

My information is that the contract was placed last September and the work was to be finished about mid-March. There have been three reasons for the delay. One is that the contractors are at present working on an approach channel and progress has been necessarily slower than it will be when they get into the dredging of the berths where the main accumulation of silt is. They did hire additional dredging plant to expedite progress but this unfortunately broke down en route from England and, in addition, as the Deputy is aware, the weather conditions have not been favourable. We have extended the period for completion to 15th June, but I am afraid it seems now that it will be necessary to extend this still further.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that over £140,000 of State money has gone into the dredging of this harbour and is it not the duty of the Department to see that the work is carried out properly? This is not happening at present and the position is a source of great dissatisfaction.

The grant is £63,000 from Roinn na Gaeltachta.

The total amount is £140,000.

My information is £63,000.
