Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 26 Oct 1972

Vol. 263 No. 2

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take business in the following order: Nos. 1, 21, and 6, No. 6 to be taken in conjunction with No. 21; No. 22, Vote 47; Questions at 2.30 p.m. to continue to 5 p.m.

(Cavan): On the Order of Business, can the Taoiseach give us any information regarding legislation to be taken during the term?

I have that information for the Deputy. The Bills to be taken during the current session will be as follows: the EEC Bill, which is before the House at the moment; the Amendment to the Constitution Bill, that is in regard to Article 44, for which arrangements have already been made; the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Bill; the Marriages Bill; the Ministers and Secretaries Bill, that is the Bill dealing with the new Department; the Trade Marks Bill; the County Management (Amendment) Bill, that is the Bill dealing with the abolition of the present method of appointment of rate collectors; the Planning Bill which will replace the Planning Bill now on the Order Paper; the Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Bill; a Social Welfare Bill, that is the pay-related benefits Bill; the Misuse of Drugs Bill; an ESB Bill, this a small administrative Bill; the Imposition of Duties Bill, which is a regular Bill at this time of the year and, if possible, the Revision of the Constituencies Bill; the Film Industry Bill; and there is one other small Local Government Bill which will be necessary in relation to setting up procedures for the second referendum. In addition, all of the Estimates.

Does the Taoiseach intend to make arrangements to put back Christmas?

The Deputies opposite would not sit next Wednesday.

We will sit all week, from Monday until Saturday, every week, and at a reasonable time. It is over to the Taoiseach now.

Can the Taoiseach state when the Revision of Constituencies Bill will be published?

I cannot say that at the moment.

Can the Taoiseach indicate the position with regard to the Trade Union (Amalgamation) Bill?

Again, I cannot say. If Deputies get up like this and pop questions at me in this way they cannot expect answers. If I get reasonable notice of these matters I shall be very glad to accommodate Deputies.

This morning we have been told of impending legislation. In view of the fact that there are only 20 sitting days between now and Christmas, would the Taoiseach consider four-day sittings each week between now and Christmas to cover even a fraction of the legislation he has read out?

The Deputy seems to forget that, as part of our system, there is such an institution as a Government who meet regularly.

We did not notice this was so.

(Cavan): In view of the fact that the existing Planning Bill has been on the Order Paper since 1969 and, having regard to the great demand throughout the country for a revision of the present planning appeals system, would the Taoiseach try to arrange that the Planning Appeals Bill will be taken this session without fail?

I hope so. Before we proceed with the business, perhaps I might state that next week's sittings will be Thursday, 2nd November, from 10.30 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. and Friday from 10.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
