Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 21 Nov 1972

Vol. 263 No. 11

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Northern Ireland Situation.


asked the Taoiseach if, in view of reports in the Egyptian Press to the effect that the troubles in Northern Ireland stem from religious differences, he will ensure that the world Press is made aware of the true causes of the situation there.

I realise the importance of ensuring that the facts of the situation in Northern Ireland, and Government policy in regard to it, are fully understood abroad. I can assure the Deputy that the improvement of our information services is under constant consideration.

Does the Taoiseach really believe that it is fully understood abroad and, if it is, why is there such sympathy and so much money coming into the country to buy arms and so on, and why was it necessary for the Minister for Justice to go over to America recently——

The question relates to Egypt.

The Taoiseach said they are doing their best to see that an efficient job is carried out and that our position is understood throughout the world. I believe that Markpress are not doing a good job at the present time.

The Deputy knows there are outmoded and irrelevant emotional ideas among some people in the United States about what is happening in the North of Ireland. One of the reasons for the Minister for Justice making that speech was to try to correct that situation.

Does the Taoiseach think his advice was good advice, to send assistance home here to the Red Cross?

After what happened about the misappropriation of £40,000 out of £100,000?

That is getting away from the question.
