asked the Minister for Education the present plans for the provision of a post-primary school for Ballincollig, County Cork.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Cork Schools.
Mr. R. Burke
A site is being reserved for a post-primary school in Ballincollig and it is the intention to provide a school when the need for it arises.
Is the Minister aware that that need will arise in the very near future, that in approximately four years' time there will be 500 children from that area ready to begin their post-primary education? In view of that, would the Minister treat the matter as one of urgency?
Mr. R. Burke
A 19-acre site for this purpose has been reserved by the county council and we are keeping the matter under review.
The Minister has said that it is the intention to provide a school in the area when the need for it arises. I am telling him that that need will arise in four years from now.
Wait for three years, then.
I am calling Question No. 33.
Am I not being allowed to ask a supplementary question?
The Deputy made a statement on the last occasion.
This is the second time that I have been ruled out of order while other Deputies seem to be allowed greater privilege.
If the Deputy wishes to ask a relevant supplementary, he will be in order.
Mr. G. FitzGerald
Will the Minister ensure that adequate post-primary facilities will be available in Ballincollig in four years' time?
Mr. R. Burke
The population of Ballincollig is about 3,000 and is expected to increase to 6,000 by the end of this decade. The Deputy can be assured that adequate provision will be made in that area for post-primary education in the four years that he is talking of.
asked the Minister for Education if he is aware of the necessity for a boys' secondary school in Clonakilty, County Cork; the steps he is taking in the matter; and if he will make a comprehensive statement.
Mr. R. Burke
The Department proposed the establishment of a community school in Clonakilty; the major religious superiors have proposed that the convent school be allowed to continue as it is and that the other two schools be amalgamated to form one mixed vocational school. Discussions are proceeding and no decision has yet been made by me in this case.
I would ask the Minister to treat this matter as one of much urgency. Can the Minister say if he is aware of the anti-clerical propaganda and of the villification of the Mercy nuns because of this community project and whether he will ensure that the boys of Clonakilty have a post-primary school as soon as possible?
Mr. R. Burke
I can assure the Deputy that Clonakilty is one of the top-priority areas in this respect. I am not aware that the situation is as he says in regard to anti-clericalism.
The Minister may take it from me that that is the situation. Can the Minister say when he will be in a position to make a decision regarding this school?
Mr. R. Burke
The Deputy will appreciate that decisions have to be made about many schools and that I am not able to say at what precise time a decision will be taken in regard to this particular one but I assure him that it will have urgent priority.
Just to define what "urgent priority" is, would the Minister say is it within the next couple of months or next month?
Mr. R. Burke
If I were in a position to make decisions for other people, I could certainly say within a few months, but I am not, unfortunately. The Deputy will appreciate that there are other people involved, and I will have to await some decisions by them.
Is the Minister aware that there are nearly 400 boys who are eligible for post-primary education in Clonakilty and at the moment they have not got adequate servicing in their schools? I know the Minister will appreciate that it is an urgent situation, but these things have a habit of being put on the long finger——
It is a different Government now.
——and I want to know if there is any report before him from any member of the staff giving any idea of when they will be in a position to implement the post-primary school for the boys in Clonakilty.
Mr. R. Burke
My staff are continually making decisions about these matters and continually getting people to co-operate for the better education of our children. I know of moves being made in relation to many cases. Clonakilty is one of them and I can assure the Deputy that we shall keep an eye on it for him.
That is not adequate.
Question No. 34. Deputy Crowley has asked a good many questions. I have given him every latitude.
In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I wish to give notice that I intend to raise the matter on the Adjournment.
The Chair will communicate with the Deputy.