Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 12 Jun 1973

Vol. 266 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - College of Art Board.


asked the Minister for Education the composition of the board to examine behavioural complaints against students of the College of Art; and if it is intended to have the parents of students represented on the board as constituted.

Mr. R. Burke

The establishment, composition of and representation on such a board is a matter for the Board of the National College of Art and Design, under the terms of the National College of Art and Design Act, 1971. The Board set up under the terms of the Act is solely responsible for the organisation and administration of its affairs and I have no power to intervene in these matters.

I am sure the Minister will agree that parents of students should be represented on the board, and maybe he would make representations to the College of Art authorities to ensure that parents are, in fact, represented on this board as constituted.

Mr. R. Burke

The composition of this board is subject to statutory regulations.

Can the Minister say what the composition of the board will be?

Mr. R. Burke

The board is already set up.

Yes, I know, but can the Minister not ask the board, having regard to the fact that there have been behavioural complaints against students, to consider having parents of students represented on the board to examine these behavioural complaints in relation to their own children?

Mr. R. Burke

That is a matter that might be investigated and a decision taken when the reconstitution of the board takes place in the future. I would not envisage either increasing or changing the personnel of the board at this stage.

Would it not be possible to have representatives of the parents in a consultative capacity without giving them membership of the board?

Mr. R. Burke

That is a matter I could bring to the attention of the board, but it is not my function as a Minister for Education.

Will the Minister do that? Will he actually make representations to the College of Art?

Mr. R. Burke

I shall bring the Deputy's ideas and views to the attention of the board.
