Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 16 Jul 1974

Vol. 274 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Cork Fertiliser Exports.


asked the Taoiseach the tonnage and description of fertilisers exported through the port of Cork since 1st January, 1974; and the amount exported since 1st June, 1974.

The information requested by the Deputy is not available.

Surely there is information available concerning exports through the port of Cork?

I am told that data on exports through individual ports are not available from the normal trade statistics. However, the Office of the Revenue Commissioners could, from the basic export documents, compile the information requested but, as it is understood that only one exporter is involved, it would be contrary to normal practice to disclose any information so obtained.

It is obvious from the Parliamentary Secretary's reply that he is endeavouring to cover up something.

The Deputy is making a statement.

It is unfair that this House cannot be informed of the nature and tonnage of the exports that went through the port of Cork regardless of how many firms were involved.

The Deputy is engaging in argument.

I would ask the Parliamentary Secretary to reconsider this matter.

Arising from the Parliamentary Secretary's reply——

Question No. 2.

I have told Deputy Meaney that figures are not kept in respect of exports through individual ports. While, in this particular case, it might be possible to compile figures in regard to the product mentioned, it is understood that only one firm is involved and it would be against the practice of the Central Statistics Office to relate figures which would give details of the business of any firm.

Am I correct in understanding that the Parliamentary Secretary has the figures but will not release them?

The Deputy may not understand any such thing.

The Parliamentary Secretary has admitted to having the information by telling us that there is only one firm involved but that he cannot divulge the details.

I have not got the figures. What I said was that it might be possible to compile them but that if figures so compiled were available to me it would be against the practice of the House to reveal them because they would affect one firm only.

Regardless of whether the Parliamentary Secretary is aware of the situation would he accept that by this type of answer in the House he is concealing a particular practice in relation to the export of fertilisers through the port of Cork? If the Parliamentary Secretary wishes to have the statistical information he may have it from this side of the House.

The Deputy is making a statement.

If the Deputy has information he should let us have it.

Question No. 2.

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that not so long ago the Minister for Transport and Power gave me similar information in regard to Sligo port?

I am not so aware.
