Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 31 Oct 1974

Vol. 275 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Road and Direction Signs.


asked the Minister for Local Government if he is aware of the difficulty being experienced by local authorities in securing road and other direction signs from Bord Fáilte; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The provision of traffic signs is a matter for each road authority, acting at the request or with the consent of the Garda Commissioner. I assume the Deputy's question relates to informative or directional signs. Bord Fáilte operated a scheme for the provision of these signs to road authorities under the provisions of the Tourist Traffic Act, 1952, but in 1970 they took a decision to phase out this activity, on the grounds that they had completed the programme which they had undertaken. I might add that the question of prescribing a new informative sign-posting system is under consideration in my Department. In the meantime, I have, by circular letter, recently asked all local authorities to take whatever action is necessary to rectify deficiencies in the existing signs.

In other words, it is the responsibility of each local authority to erect their own signs.

Are there any grants available from the Department for this purpose?

That is a separate question.

The usual practice is that when matters such as these are being dealt with they are provided for from the normal grants but if the Deputy takes the matter up with Wexford County Council I have no doubt that they will tell him what arrangements they have in mind in this regard. There are no special grants available for this purpose.

The main reason for Deputy Browne tabling this question is that some time ago Wexford County Council made application to Bord Fáilte for extra signs but have heard nothing since.

That is a separate matter.

Since Bord Fáilte informed the previous Government in 1970 that they did not propose to provide any signs other than those on hand, I do not know why Wexford County Council should have applied to Bord Fáilte for signs.

It took the Minister 18 months to notify the county council that they would have to erect the signs themselves.

I have not heard anything from Wexford County Council but I told all county councils that it was their responsibility to erect these signs. If Wexford County Council are interested in the matter they should take it up with the Department. They have not done so, so far.

As usual the Minister is passing the buck.

I would remind the Deputy that this is Question Time.

It is seldom that we see the Deputy in the House but when he comes in he does not know what he is talking about.

May we take it from the Minister's reply that the local authorities have the authority now to erect directional signs and, if so, if the authorities responsible for Gaeltacht areas can erect signs in those areas in the Irish language only?

Local authorities have the authority to erect directional signs and the same provision applies as applied previously in respect of Gaeltacht or any other areas.

The Minister took the provisions relating to the Gaeltacht out of the White Paper.

The White Paper is not the law.

May I ask the Minister a simple question? Have local authorities, such as Galway County Council, the authority to go ahead and erect directional signs in Gaeltacht areas with the names solely in Irish?

Galway County Council, and every other county council have the same authority to erect directional signs as they had when Deputy Molloy was Minister for Local Government.

May I have an answer to my question, please?

I have answered it but if the Deputy does not understand the position perhaps he would ask somebody outside to clarify it for him.

The Minister should answer the question. That is what he is paid for.

I am giving more value for my money than was ever given by Deputy Colley

The Minister has lost touch with reality. The Chair should direct him to answer the question put by Deputy Molloy rather than allow him indulge in abuse.

The Deputy is aware that the Chair has no control over Ministers' replies.

I suggest that it is within your authority, Sir, to direct the Minister to direct his reply to the question asked.

That is not the function of the Chair.

On a point of order, is it not your function to ensure that the questions asked are relevant?

It is, indeed.

There are times when you have occasion to tell Deputies that their questions should be directed to the matter at issue. Similarly, is it not the obligation of the Minister to abide by that ruling also and should he fail to do so, is it not your obligation to direct him to address his replies to the questions asked?

The question was to ask whether I was aware of the difficulties being experienced by local authorities in securing road and other direction signs from Bord Fáilte and whether I would make a statement on the matter. Obviously, Deputy Colley thought the question referred to something else.

I read the question and I heard the answer. Either the Minister should answer properly or he should not answer at all.

There is no need for this kind of disorder.

Deputy Colley should not try to tell anybody how to behave in this House. Perhaps, though, he would talk with Deputy Molloy in that regard.

The Minister has refused to answer a question.

Next question, please.
