Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Friday, 15 Nov 1974

Vol. 275 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Offaly School.


asked the Minister for Education why Esker School, County Offaly, which was erected only ten years ago at a cost of £20,000 has been closed.

Mr. R. Burke

The enrolment at Esker school had declined to 22 and a further decline to about 12 next year was forecast. The school was staffed by an unqualified teacher.

In order to provide better educational facilities for the small number of children concerned it was decided to close the school and provide transport for the pupils to Daingean school, a 6-teacher school.

Is the Minister aware that at a meeting in Esker school, Deputy Oliver Flanagan stated that he would see to it that the school would not be closed? Can the Minister give a reason why he should close a school which 22 children had been attending while reopening Dún Chaoin school to cater for four children?

That is a separate matter.

The same principle applies.

If the Deputy wishes to put down a question in relation to Dún Chaoin, he may do so but this question deals with Esker school.

I want to know why the Minister closed this school but re-opened Dún Chaoin. I thought that we should cater on an equal basis for all the children of the nation.

The Deputy must ask a question that is relevant.

I would like a reply.

Mr. R. Burke

As to the first part of the question, I am not aware of the allegations made by the Deputy. So far as the second part of the question is concerned, it is hardly necessary for me to point out to the Deputy the difference between Dún Chaoin and Esker.

How can the Minister close a 22-pupil school and leave open a four-pupil one? That needs explaining.

The Deputy is engaging in argument. Question No. 12.

I have not had a reply to my question.

The Deputy will restrain himself.

How can the Minister justify closing a 22-pupil school and leaving open a four-pupil one? The people of the Esker area want to know the answer.

The Deputy must not engage in argument.

I am asking for an answer to my question.

The Deputy must desist from this type of argument. I have called Question No. 12.

I want an explanation from the Minister. How can he justify what he has done? I must have an answer.

The Deputy cannot be allowed to disrupt the business of the House in this fashion.

The Minister has refused to answer my question.

If the Deputy is not prepared to obey the Chair, he must leave the House.

The people of Esker await an answer.

The Deputy may not remain on his feet while the Chair is standing. Either he obeys the ruling of the Chair or he leaves the House. The Chair has now passed on to the next question and the Deputy will have to find another time to raise this matter in the fashion he desires.

I asked a question but I was given no answer to it.

Question No. 12.
