Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 12 Mar 1975

Vol. 279 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Motor Assembly Industry.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce the prospects for the motor assembly industry in Ireland.

I am aware that some motor assembly firms are at present experiencing difficulties which, as elsewhere, arise from a decline in the market demand for motor vehicles. Prospects for the industry in the short term will depend on an improvement in the demand for new vehicles. As regards prospects in the longer term I would refer the Deputy to the answer given on 28th November, 1974, to Question No. 63 as reported in the Official Report, volume 276, columns 577 to 579.

Have the terms negotiated by the previous Administration in regard to the protection of employment in the motor assembly industry been fully satisfied and can the Minister comment on the difficulties now being experienced in the Brittain group?

I understand the terms are being maintained. There has, in fact, been a slight improvement in the relative position of Irish assembled vehicles on the home market as against imported vehicles. The problem is that the total overall market has declined by approximately 20 per cent as against the previous year.

In reply to the Deputy's second supplementary question, the Department have had to act as a mediator in this dispute, which was effectively a difference of opinion between the group and their suppliers in relation to commercial arrangements. Meetings were held on 6th and 7th March. It was not possible to discuss all the problems at these meetings but it was hoped to arrange a further discussion in the week commencing 10th March.

Can the Parliamentary Secretary say with any degree of certainly that the employment content of the Brittain group will be maintained and could he give me some information about diversification in the event of a run down in assembly?

I do not think I can give the Deputy an assurance of the nature sought because the discussions are still taking place and they are of a sensitive and confidential character.

This is very important to me as the local representative. It is not alone the Brittain group but motor assembly firms in general which are involved. As I understand it, there were long and hard negotiations to try to protect the employment content either by diversification or more assembly work. Can the Parliamentary Secretary say if this diversification will take place to maintain the employment content?

I understand that the Department are making available through the IDA generous aid towards diversification. I think all the firms are considering diversification and some are at a more advanced stage than others. In the case of some there have been certain unforeseen difficulties but I cannot go into details about these at this juncture.

Does the Parliamentary Secretary assure me the Government will make every effort to protect the employment of these people?

