Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 13 Mar 1975

Vol. 279 No. 4

Capital Acquisitions Tax Bill, 1975: First Stage.

Leave granted to introduce a Bill entitled an Act to charge and impose on certain gifts and inheritances duties of inland revenue to be known as gift tax and inheritance tax, to amend the law relating to inland revenue and to make further provisions in connection with finance.
—(Minister for Finance).

I expect the Bill will be circulated early next week and I propose that the Second Stage be fixed for the first sitting day after the vacation.

May I take it now that the statutory urgency we were told was involved in passing the various financial measures before 1st April does not now obtain?

The desirability of having the legislation passed remains and we look forward to the co-operation of the Opposition in ensuring that, while the measures will be adequately debated, they will be passed by the Dáil on the earliest possible date.

I am really not making any point, but we were given to understand for some time past that it would be necessary from a statutory point of view to have all these financial measures enacted before the Easter recess. I take it someone has examined the situation and found that is not so.

That is correct.

Second Stage ordered for first sitting day after the Easter recess.