Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 30 Apr 1975

Vol. 280 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Roscommon Education Proposals.


asked the Minister for Education the proposals he has for (a) the building of primary schools (b) the provision of additions to primary schools (c) the provision of additions to post-primary schools (d) the provision of extra teachers to reduce pupil-teacher ratios in both primary and post-primary schools (e) the provision of extra finance for the running of post-primary schools as requested by parents and the Catholic Headmasters' Association, in County Roscommon; if he has made any decisions during recent weeks on those proposals; and, if so, if they will all be implemented before the end of the current financial year.

Mr. R. Burke

In relation to (a) and (b), primary school buildings, the position is that there are at present 114 new schools and 61 extension schemes in progress and a further 132 new schools and extensions are at advanced planning stages and could begin before the end of the current financial year.

In regard to (c), post-primary building, I have already given particulars of 60 major projects for 1975 in reply to Question No. 32 on 15th November, 1974. In regard to (d), extra teachers for primary and post-primary schools, I have already indicated in Question No. 41 of 29th April, 1975, that I will be making a statement at an early date in regard to the matter when examination of it has been completed. In regard to (e), extra finance for post-primary schools in County Roscommon, I am not yet in a position to add anything to the statement which I made on this matter generally in connection with the motion in this House on 16th April, 1975.

It may be that this answer was formulated before the Minister spoke yesterday, but certainly he added something substantial to his statement yesterday, in reply to the motion. Would the Minister agree this is so?

Mr. R. Burke

That I answered more fully today than yesterday?

The Minister has stated he is not in a position to add to the answer he gave to the motion on the financing of secondary schools but yesterday, under questioning in the House, he said that the payments would be made before June. This does not accord with what the Minister has read out now.

Mr. R. Burke

The Deputy will realise I refused to be pinned. I hope it would be so and if he consults the Official Record he will find that is broadly the position.
