Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 15 May 1975

Vol. 280 No. 12

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Donegal Schools.


asked the Minister for Education whether sanction for the appointment of two replacement teachers in Urbleragh National School, Ballygorman, Malin Head, County Donegal has been requested recently from his Department; and, if so, whether sanction has been granted.

Mr. R. Burke

The manager has recently notified the Department that the principal of Urbleragh NS is transferring to another school on 1st July and that the assistant is retiring on age grounds with effect from the same date.

It is proposed to amalgamate Urbleragh NS with Malin Head NS as soon as additional permanent accommodation has been provided at the latter school. In the circumstances, the two posts in Urbleragh NS may be filled on a temporary basis. My Department will be writing shortly to the manager to that effect.

Does this mean that, in fact, the additional new accommodation is proposed for Malin Head to accommodate Urbleragh?

Mr. R. Burke


Is the Minister aware that this is not a very sensible proposition since the structure at Urbleragh is much superior to that at Malin Head and it would seem to be a great waste of a very fine structure which is in excellent condition and could be added to or maintained as it is? It seems rather wasteful in the circumstances.

Mr. R. Burke

I will be in that territory on Monday next and will probably have an opportunity of looking at the situation myself.


asked the Minister for Education whether he has any plans for the amalgamation of national schools in the parish of Fanad, County Donegal; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Mr. R. Burke

Following a survey made of the primary school facilities in the Fanad peninsula and after consultation with the interested parties it is proposed to amalgamate all seven schools in the area in two new central schools to be erected on the same site at Tamney. One of the central schools will be under Catholic management, the other under Protestant management.

A suitable site has been offered for the new schools and sketch plans are being prepared by the Commissioners of Public Works.

Does this embrace the area Ballyheerin and Moybeg in which there are at present a school under Catholic management and a school under Protestant or Church of Ireland management and would this also embrace the school areas and catchments of Crolis and Drumfad, one of which has two schools and the other one and, of course, there are two in Tamney?

Mr. R. Burke

Yes, all the schools mentioned by the Deputy are involved in this agreed solution.

The Minister used the word "agreed". I take it from this that agreement has been reached and, if so, with whom has agreement been reached? I am not aware of any agreement so far as the parents and so forth are concerned.

Mr. R. Burke

It would seem to the Department that the solution offered of amalgamation and two schools at that site is the best one in the circumstances.

I am not saying whether it is or not. The Minister used the word "agreed". What I am asking is by whom and with whom has it been agreed?

Mr. R. Burke

The original proposal was that it should be done in consultation with the managers of the schools and inspectors have attended public meetings to discuss the proposal. We are aware that there has been some exception to it but taking the overall view we decided that this is the best possible solution.

While not labouring the point, I would like to make it very clear to the Minister lest it has not been fed back to him properly that it is far from being agreed and I would suggest that he and his advisers go warily in so far as this proposal is concerned. I am not in any way reflecting on the merits of the proposal.

Did I understand the Minister to say that two schools were being built on the same campus in Tamney?

Mr. R. Burke

Two new central schools to be erected on the same site in Tamney.

Is it envisaged that there will be a sharing of facilities in any way by these two schools?

Mr. R. Burke

I would not be briefed specifically on that point. The Deputy might like to ask a question. I would imagine that the normal co-operation between schools in a neighbourhood would take place. They will have a common playground. I take it that is an indication of co-operation.
