Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 22 Jul 1975

Vol. 284 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Pupil-Teacher Ratio.


asked the Minister for Education if he will reduce the pupil-teacher ratio in rural secondary schools.


asked the Minister for Education if he intends to reduce the number of pupils required by him for teacher quota purposes in secondary schools.

Mr. R. Burke

With the permission of the Ceann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 17 and 18 together.

I would refer the Deputies to my statement of 1st May, 1975, in which I announced that there will be no change in 1975-76 in the conditions of general application for the appointment of teachers in post-primary schools from those which applied in the school year 1974-75. I have nothing to add to that statement.

Would the Minister not consider some reduction in the pupil-teacher ratio for rural post-primary schools?

Mr. R. Burke

The Deputy will appreciate there are enormous financial implications in even allowing one extra teacher per school. It runs into millions. In present economic circumstances I do not think it is open to me to do that.

Is the Minister aware that many of these rural schools have difficulty in providing adequate courses because of the number of teachers they are allowed to employ, thereby losing many of their pupils to nearer and bigger centres?

Mr. R. Burke

That may be the case in some schools but the experience of the Department over a number of years has been that there was indiscriminate spreading rather than rational broadening of the curriculum and fragmentation of classes and, in certain circumstances, the reduction of the quota has led to finding hours for teachers, rather than finding teachers for full-time courses.

Is it the Minister's intention not to do anything to help many of these post-primary rural schools?

Mr. R. Burke

I can do nothing for them in the present financial or school year.

Can the Minister give them any hope?

Order. Deputy Wilson.

Is the Minister on record in this matter also when he was in Opposition as saying that he would liberalise the quota?

Mr. R. Burke

Not that I am aware of.
