Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 22 Jul 1975

Vol. 284 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Cork Teachers' Centre.


Mr. Wise

andMr. Wilson asked the Minister for Education when he intends to appoint a full-time director of the Cork Teachers' Centre.

Mr. R. Burke

I intend to make this appointment as soon as financial resources are available. The matter will be considered in connection with the Estimates for 1976.

Is the Minister aware that this request has been in his Department for quite some time and, in the interests of efficiency, the appointment of a director is now urgently being sought by the Cork Teachers' Centre?

Mr. R. Burke

I am aware of both points made by Deputy Wyse.

Could the Minister state when he hopes to make this appointment?

Mr. R. Burke

In my reply I have just said the matter will be considered in connection with the 1976 Estimates and, therefore, it will not be in the present year.

Does that mean a full-time director will not be available during the academic year 1975-76?

Mr. R. Burke

A full-time director, no. A service has been available in the area, as in other areas, for the last number of years and this will continue.

Is the Minister saying there is no full-time director operating in any centres anywhere?

Mr. R. Burke

No. The Deputy asked will the director not continue; he will continue on the same basis as he did up to now.

Is the Minister saying at no time during the academic year 1975-76 will there be a full-time director of the Cork Teachers' Centre available?

Mr. R. Burke

During the year 1975 the director will not, as I said, be full time.

The academic year is 1975-76 and the budget is in January.

Mr. R. Burke

We will have to await the 1976 Estimates to see what picture will obtain.

Does the Minister see my difficulty? The financial year will begin in January but the academic year will begin in September, 1975. Will there be a full-time director available any time during the academic year 1975-76?

This is repetition.

Mr. R. Burke

As the Deputy will know from consideration of my reply, the matter will be examined in connection with the Estimates for 1976. I cannot prejudge what the conclusion will be.

In view of the expertise available to the Minister, the expertise we are led to believe is available, surely he should be able to give a guess about one single appointment in the second largest city in the country.

Mr. R. Burke

It is not for the Minister for Education to prejudge what may or may not be allowed in the Estimates for the next year.
