Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 28 Oct 1975

Vol. 285 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Planning Permission.


asked the Minister for Local Government why planning permission is granted for the development of housing before sewerage devices are provided.

When proposals are formulated for the provision of sewerage schemes it is not unusual for planning permission for housing development to be sought in respect of lands which will be served by such schemes. If the development can be co-ordinated with the provision of services, the fact that the services will not be available for a year or two would hardly warrant refusal of permission. It is normal in such cases to impose a condition requiring that the houses shall not be occupied until services are available.

Where the developer himself proposes to provide the necessary services, he will naturally seek permission first. If his proposals are acceptable, there is no reason why permission should be refused.

Do I understand the position to be, therefore, that in the event of houses being built and ready for occupation before their being linked to essential services, the installation of septic tanks would not be acceptable?

They are not acceptable unless they form part of the permission granted.

Would the Minister not agree that the idea of septic tanks is acceptable in practically every country in Europe and can he say why this country should be against the installation of such facilities?

I have no objection to the installation of septic tanks; but if somebody is granted permission to build houses on condition that they are not occupied until such time as they are connected to a sewerage scheme, he cannot proceed to instal septic tanks but in the case of a person applying in the first instance on the basis of installing septic tanks, permission on such lines might be granted.

There are people waiting yet for the completion of the canal drainage scheme.
