Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 9 Dec 1975

Vol. 286 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Oil Rig Personnel.


asked the Minister for Labour if information is available to him regarding the number of persons working on oil rigs off the South Coast; and the number of Irish nationals and the number of persons from EEC member States included in the total number.

About 200 persons have been working on oil rigs off the south coast during the past summer. Approximately 60 have been Irish and a further 50 approximately were nationals of EEC member States.

Would the Minister say how many rigs there are at present and could he give us a breakdown of the number of nationals on each of the rigs?

There are three rigs operating at present or were, rather, over the past summer.

On a point of accuracy, there are not.

I said operating during the past summer. They have now left. My brief informs me these three rigs have left our waters for the winter months.

Have all three left?

That is my information.

The Minister should check. There is one still there.

I will find out whether, one of the rigs is in fact, still operating.

I asked the Minister for the number of nationals on each of the three rigs. Does the Minister have that figure?

The number of persons working on all rigs off the south coast is about 200.

What is the number of nationals?

Approximately 60 have been Irish and a further 50 approximately were nationals of EEC member States.

Could the Minister give a breakdown of the number of nationals on each of the rigs working there during the summer?

On the Norjarl, 55 Norwegians and 15 US, Glomar North Sea, 40 Irish, others mainly US; on the Saipem, 20 Irish, others mainly Italian.

There was one rig which employed no Irish.

I gave the breakdown among the three.

It is very hard to get the Minister to answer. He is not very distinct either today.
