Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 4 Feb 1976

Vol. 287 No. 7

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Cork Training Centre.


andMr. Meaney asked the Minister for Labour if he will consider siting the second AnCO training centre in County Cork in the premises formerly occupied by a company (name supplied) in order to help alleviate the high unemployment in the area and to retrain the many workers who have been made redundant.

A number of sites, including the premises referred to by the Deputies, are being considered by AnCO for the new training centre in Cork but no decision has yet been taken as to the exact location of the centre.

When is it hoped to open the centre?

As soon as possible. We are looking for a suitable location.

Does this mean a change of policy on the part of AnCO? Have they now moved away from the idea of purchasing a site? Will these premises be purchased or rented?

The pressure has been to get as many people into training as rapidly as possible. Our long-term intention of having a new centre in Cork has not been put aside but we need an additional training centre in Cork as rapidly as possible.

Will there be a second one in operation before the summer?

That would be my hope.
