Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 23 Mar 1976

Vol. 289 No. 1

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Mayo Rehabilitation Centre.


asked the Minister for Health if he is now prepared to make assistance available either by way of capital grant or otherwise to the rehabilitation centre provided by the Disabled Drivers' Association at Ballindine, County Mayo.

As I explained to the Deputy in reply to a similar question on 13th March, 1975, Official Report, Volume 279, columns 596 to 599, all proposals of this nature have to be considered in the first place by the National Rehabilitation Board to ensure that they are in conformity with the national scheme recommended in the report of a special working party some time ago. The board have found it necessary first to secure additional technical advice to assist them in assessing the various proposals being put forward but I understand that they expect in the early future to be in a position to give their views on the Ballindine proposal. I think I should again point out to the Deputy, as I did on the previous occasion, that there are features of this proposal which are unlikely to make it acceptable for support from public funds.

In view of the fact that this association have had sufficient initiative and enterprise to go ahead and find a rehabilitation centre, thereby avoiding the necessity of the utilisation of public funds for this purpose, would the Minister not consider it only fair that a substantial grant be made available now to them particularly since the centre is now in being as distinct from many other plans and proposals whcih are still very much in the air?

The centre is partially in being. Regarding the initial information from the organisation to the Department, I explained the whole situation to the Deputy some time ago. I do not consider it correct that any organisation should go ahead and build an institution without reference either to the Department or, as it was in this instance, to the National Rehabilitation Board and merely to present a bill afterwards.

I do not think it is a question of going ahead and then presenting a bill. This association have made very commendable efforts to provide this centre. Does the Minister not agree that that type of effort by voluntary organisations is the sort of thing we want? Even at this stage would be or his Parliamentary Secretary not be prepared to inspect this centre with a view to seeing whether or not it merits support from the Department? I suggest to him that if either he or his Parliamentary Secretary were to do that they would have no hesitation in making an advance available because it is just the sort of voluntary effort we need in these areas.

It is laudable that they should collect some money but there are certain procedures which have to be adopted beforehand. One of my predecessors refused to entertain any sort of proposal that had not his initial approval. That is what has happened in this case. As I explained to the Deputy earlier in March and again now, the National Rehabilitation Board are considering the matter to see whether or not it could be assisted out of public funds.

The remaining questions will appear on tomorrow's Order Paper.

In view of the unsatisfactory reply to Question No. 20 I would like your permission to raise it on the Adjournment.

I will communicate with the Deputy.
