Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 29 Jun 1976

Vol. 291 No. 13

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dumping Facilities.


asked the Minister for Local Government if he intends to make regulations to provide for uniformity of approach by local authorities in the provision of dumping facilities for persons who wish to dispose of trade and domestic refuse; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

As I informed the Deputy in reply to a question on 18th December last, a general review of the arrangements relating to waste collection and disposal has been undertaken to ascertain whether new measures are needed. I cannot commit myself to any particular proposal at this stage, but I intend to bring forward whatever statutory or other measures are required in the light of the review to enable local authorities to deal with the waste problem.

Is the Minister aware that, in the absence of guidelines to local authorities and the provision of dumping facilities, there is a growing tendency to indiscriminately dump trade and domestic refuse and that this is seriously interfering with scenic and other amenities?

Regretfully, it happens from time to time. Lack of public spirit is causing this to happen. While local authorities have the right to provide dumps for refuse which they do not collect themselves, there is no onus on them to do so. I have asked local authorities to pay particular attention to this problem. I am told that in one or two areas the situation has not improved.

Can the Minister say how the situation in other countries compares with the situation here?

Most countries are the same as our own. The EEC Directive on waste, which was adopted in July, 1975, provides for the designation by member states of authorities to be responsible for the planning and organisation of waste disposal operations. Eventually the law will have to be strictly administered. Local authorities seem slow to prosecute people for roadside dumping, even when they know where the refuse comes from.

The reluctance of local authorities to prosecute could have something to do with the ludicrous fines that are imposed when a conviction is obtained. Could the Minister see his way to introduce legislation which would amend all fines under local authority legislation?

In most cases the fines are very small. There is a special position in Dublin since both Dublin Corporation and Dublin County Council, with the exception of one area, had to close dumps which were available to everyone until recently. I agree that the matter is worth having a look at and we are considering the question of fines.
