Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 2 Mar 1977

Vol. 297 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Uganda Deaths Investigation.


asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will support the call for an international investigation into the recent deaths of Archbishop Luwum and two Cabinet Ministers in Uganda.

Deputies will already be aware from the Minister's speech to the United Nations General Assembly last year, to which he referred in his reply to questions on 16th December last, of his concern that satisfactory procedures be worked out for the investigation of allegations of breaches of human rights and his view that these procedures should be contemplated by a greater willingness by states to cooperate with investigations even if they think the complaint made against them is unjustified.

The deaths while in custody of Archbishop Luwum and two Ugandan Cabinet Ministers have given rise to legitimate concern on the part of the international community. The Minister has noted that the Secretary General of the United Nations and a number of Governments have requested an international inquiry into the circumstances, which he supports and he would hope that the Government of Uganda would be prepared to facilitate such an inquiry.

I appreciate, as the Parliamentary Secretary does, that this is a very sensitive and delicate area and I do not want anything to be said here that would make it more difficult. I was glad to give the Government an opportunity to put their position on the record and to support what the UN are doing. I am glad to note that the latest move from the UN is to open contacts with Uganda. We, as a democratic State, are like others concerned that these contacts be opened and are maintained for the safety and security of all the people of every nation.

I appreciate the Deputy's move and I am grateful for it.
