Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 8 Nov 1977

Vol. 301 No. 3

Written Answers. - Bord na Móna.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy if he will state in expansion of the Bord na Móna Report for 1975-76: (a) the allocation of the administrative costs of £2.3m to each of the board's works, and the allocation per cent, (b) the allocation of the £2.3m to the five production heads for 1975-76 and the allocation per cent, (c) whether the amounts at (b) are included in the subheads on page 19 of the report.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy if he will furnish additional information on the Bord na Móna Report for 1976-77, more or less in the form of the former administration account for 1975-76, side by side with the 1976-77 figures, under the following headings (1) salaries and office wages, (2) bank interest and charges, (3) superannuation and pensions (a) general scheme (b) manual workers' scheme, (4) depreciation, (5) total of remaining items, (6) experiments and research, (7) miscellaneous receipts and (8) cost of administration allocated to works.

With the permission of the Ceann Comhairle I propose to take Questions Nos. 505 and 506 together.

The annual accounts of Bord na Móna as published are in a form which complies with the statutory requirements and accords with modern accounting practice. I consider that I would not be justified in requiring Bord na Móna to furnish for publication accounts additional to those in the form approved in 1976 by the then Minister for Transport and Power after consultation with the Minister for Finance.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy if he will state separately in respect of the Bord na Móna superannuation schemes (a) for regular works' employees, and (b) the scheme for general employees: (i) the date of commencement, (ii) the contribution made by employees to date, (iii) the contribution made directly from the board's fund to date, (iv) Income from investments to date, (v) Exchequer contribution to date, and (vi) the principal difference between the benefits payable under the schemes.

The information sought will take some time to prepare. Its preparation will use up a considerable amount of valuable staff time. If the Deputy would repeat the question in about four weeks the information may then be available.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy if he will state, in expansion of the notes to the Bord na Móna Accounts for 1975-76, the significance of the difference of £1.465m on page 23 and the term "total sales" at £22.852m on page 23 and the term "cost of sales" at £21.387m on page 19; and the explanation for the "difference" in the sales statistics and the sales in the revenue account.

As shown on page 19 of the board's annual report and accounts the figure of £21.387 million is the cost of production while the figure of £22.852 million is the revenue obtained from the turf sold. The difference is the difference between production cost of the turf sold and the revenue received from the turf sold.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy if he will furnish particulars of expenditure on development land acquisition to 31st March, 1977, on the 3rd Development Programme, under the following headings, (a) land acquisition, (b) building and factories, etc, (c) machines for drainage, (d) other machinery, etc, (e) wages and salaries and social insurance, (f) other expenditure, (g) total expenditure, (h) grants in aid from Exchequer, (i) grants in aid from EEC sources, and (j) funds provided by Bord na Móna.

Preparation of the information sought will take some time and if the Deputy will repeat the question in about a fortnight's time the information may then be available.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy if he will furnish particulars of the source of funds for the 3rd Development Programme to date, under the following headings, (a) loans: source; rate of interest; and amount, (b) European bank loans: rate of interest; and amount, (c) Exchequer advance: amount; and rate of interest, (d) Exchequer grants, amount, (e) funds provided by Bord na Móna, (f) EEC Grants, other than EIB loans, and (g) present employment on 3rd Development Programme.

The following is the information sought by the Deputy:—(a) Nil, (b) £2.2 million at interest rate of 8.75 per cent, (c) £220,557 at interest rate of 10 per cent, £3,775,000 at interest rate of 12 per cent, (d) Nil, (e) Nil, (f) Nil, (g) 452.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy if he will state in expansion of the Reports of Bord na Móna for 1975/76 and 1976/77 in relation to the price of sod and milled peat as set out on page 10 of the 1976 report, the revised price per tonne charged to ESB and others, after each price change, with corresponding figures for year ended 31st March, 1977.

Following is the information.

Price charged to ESB.


Sod Peat

Milled Peat


£7 per ton

£3.29 per ton


£7 per ton

£3.525 per ton


£7.613 per tonne

£3.816 per tonne

Price charged to others.


Sod Peat

Milled Peat


£9 per ton


£9.60 per ton
