Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 22 Nov 1977

Vol. 301 No. 9

International Development Association (Amendment) Bill, 1977: Order for Second Stage.

I move: "That the Second Stage be ordered for Thursday, 24th November, 1977."

This is another occasion, like the one I protested about before, of coming in on Tuesday and finding that a Second Stage debate is ordered for the following Thursday. The House is entitled to more notice than that. It is unfair of the Government to bring Bills and Orders into the House and seek to have them debated 48 hours later.

(Cavan-Monaghan): They have not any work. They are trying to pretend they have something to do.

It does not necessarily mean, as the Deputy knows, that the date is adhered to.

There was an occasion like this a fortnight ago when I was told exactly the same and it turned out that it was taken the following Tuesday. I know the date need not be adhered to.

Second Stage ordered for Thursday, 24th November, 1977.