Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 6 Dec 1977

Vol. 302 No. 5

Written Answers. - National Monuments.


andMr. Bruton asked the Minister for Finance if he is satisfied that each of the 240 national monuments which have been made a subject for preservation under the National Monuments Acts, but have not been brought within the guardianship of the Commissioners of Public Works, are in a safe condition and are not deteriorating due to weather or vandalism; whether these monuments are inspected by officers of his Department; if so, the frequency of such inspections; and the steps he takes where a monument is found to be deteriorating.

I am satisfied that the monuments referred to in the Deputies' question are in a safe condition and are not deteriorating due to weather or vandalism. These monuments are inspected at least once a year and in many cases more frequently.

If a monument is found to be deteriorating the owner can, under section 5 of the National Monuments Act, 1930, place the monument in the guardianship of the Commissioners or under section 10 vest it in the Commissioners. If the owner is not willing to do either, the commissioners may under section 9(2) of the same act appoint themselves guardians of a monument. The commissioners may also, with the consent of the Minister for Finance acquire compulsorily under section 11(1), any national monument they consider it expedient to acquire whether they are or are not the guardians thereof and whether a preservation order is or is not in force in regard thereto.
