Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 10 May 1978

Vol. 306 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers.

On a point of order, may I inquire the whereabouts of the Minister for the Environment?

No, that question does not arise.

On a point of order, has absence any connection with the fact that some of the answers he gave to questions yesterday were clearly mistaken for facts?

Questioning matters of this kind at Question Time is not in order and the Deputy is well aware of that.

May I inquire where the Minister for the Environment is——

I am calling Question No. 1 in the name of Deputy O'Connell.

Has he any explanation or apology in respect of several misstatements of fact to which his attention was drawn?

I am calling Question No. 1. It is not in order for the Deputy to raise a matter in this fashion, of which he is well aware.

I wish to raise on the adjournment the misstatements of fact which the Minister gave the House yesterday with specific reference to the reply to Question No. 5 on yesterday's Order Paper.

Question No. 1 in the name of Deputy O'Connell.
