Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 31 May 1978

Vol. 307 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers . - Higher Diploma in Education Graduates .


asked the Minister for Education if he will make a statement on the percentage and number of graduates who hold the higher diploma in education who are appointed to teaching posts; and if he is satisfied with the present situation.

: The information requested by the Deputy is not available in my Department.

As the Deputy is no doubt aware, measures which I took in July 1977 in relation to improving the pupil-teacher ratio in post-primary schools created some 600 new teaching posts in that area.

: Is the Minister aware of the report of the universities' careers officers which indicated that only 52 per cent of those who obtain the higher diploma in education obtain permanent teaching posts in this country and in view of his so-called action during the past nine months is he satisfied with that situation?

: The percentage would be much worse if the previous Government had remained in office.

: That is hypothetical.

: It is a heavy hypothesis so far as the Irish people are concerned. There have been also the special trainee graduates, which brings the total number of graduates employed to about 900 extra for the year. That is not to mention the ordinary intake of graduates to primary training colleges, some of whom have the higher diploma in education.

: Are these considered to be real jobs?

: They are as real as the little cheque that comes at the end of the month.

: Perhaps the Minister would convey that judgment to the Minister for Economic Planning and Development.

: That Minister gave me every support in this regard and I expect his support in the future also.

: The Minister must be reading the little red book.

: He must not read Magill.

: What is that?
