Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 31 May 1978

Vol. 307 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers . - Alternative Energy Sources .


asked the Minister for Economic Planning and Development (a) if his attention has been drawn to a report of a statement by a member of the staff of University College, Cork, on the inadequacy of State subsidisation of research in alternative energy sources peculiarly appropriate to Irish conditions; (b) whether he accepts the correctness of this statement, and (c) if not, whether he will give details of State involvement, in financial terms, in such research, with comparative figures, if available to him, from the other EEC countries.

: I am very conscious of the importance of investigating alternative energy sources so that they can be drawn on when, as is generally accepted, fossilised fuels become prohibitively expensive and begin to run out in the 1990s.

As evidence of the Government's concern in this connection I refer to Irish researchers' participation in the following energy R & D programmes:

International Energy Agency

Systems Analysis Project;

Wind Implementing Agreement;

Heat Pump Implementing Agreement;

Forest Energy Agreement.


Solar Energy Programme;

Biomass Programme;

Systems Analysis Techniques.

The recently established National Board for Science and Technology have an overall advisory and co-ordination role in energy R & D and it is my intention to encourage the board to continue the valuable work initiated by the National Science Council in this area.

Figures for State-sponsored energy research in other EEC countries which are strictly comparable to the types of research being undertaken in this country are not readily available.

: It is hard to make out in what I know is meant to be a helpful reply whether or not the Minister accepts the strictures made by the member of University College Cork staff, to whom I referred in my question, as to the inadequacy of the present State subvention for this research.

: I do not know how the Deputy can find inadequacies. We all know how to play the game, we have been listening to it for a few minutes, where no matter what amount of money you are spending you can always spend more. If that is the definition of inadequacy every programme is always inadequate. On the other hand, all you can do is seek to assess what is a reasonable effort for a country of our size and resources. I tried to indicate in my reply the nature of the involvements which we have. Obviously, in our circumstances, the appropriate thing is to participate to the maximum extent in international programming rather than see to it entirely off our own bat. The other specific thing I would note is that the criticism appeared to centre on the fact that if the ESB were responsible for the programme it would be inadequate. Of course, the ESB do not have a major role in energy research.

: While I accept, as the Minister says, that it may be sensible to integrate our research into a larger programme would he tell the House how much money raised from the Irish taxpayer is being put into alternative energy source research this year?

: It is difficult to give a precise estimate. I was given an order of magnitude which would suggest about £250,000.

: There is a fund under the research and development council of the European Community, to which the Government would submit schemes, which in turn would be assisted by the Council. Has this scheme been submitted?

: To the best of my knowledge yes. So far as our participation in those various programmes is concerned the newly established board for science and technology are in fact reviewing our commitments, involvements and the extent to which we could derive further support from this programme.

: I believe that this scheme must be submitted by the Government and that each scheme, according to its merits, gets a different level of support from the Council. I know this because a scheme submitted a few years ago got the maximum support from the Council.

: I do not have the details with me. If the Deputy wishes to table a further question I will have it answered.

: I am quite satisfied if the Minister will endeavour to have the scheme submitted.
