Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 1 Jun 1978

Vol. 307 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions . Oral Answers . - Howth Pier .


asked the Minister for Finance if he will arrange for the provision of litter bins on Howth pier, County Dublin, to facilitate the many people who frequent this popular resort, particularly at week-ends.


asked the Minister for Finance if he will provide extra seating accommodation on Howth pier, County Dublin; and if he will provide a reasonable number of seats with back support on the lower level, in order to facilitate elderly and infirm citizens who like to frequent the pier during the good weather.

: With the permission of the Ceann Chomhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos 16 and 17 together.

I presume the Deputy is referring to the east pier at Howth Harbour. Seating on that pier has hitherto been provided and maintained by Dublin Corporation. I will consider the desirability of providing extra seating and the provision of litter bins.

: Will the Minister provide seating and bins at the east and west piers of Howth?

: Excellent co-operation exists between my Department and the officials of Dublin Corporation and I have no doubt that they will provide the necessary facilities at our request.

: Will the Minister mention to the officials of Dublin Corporation that this is an urgent necessity? We have so many foreign visitors coming to the country at this time of the year that to find litter on both the east and west piers of Howth is a disgrace?

: I have always had tremendous co-operation from that body and I have no doubt that they will see to this.
