Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Wednesday, 25 Oct 1978

Vol. 308 No. 7

Private Notice Question. - Dublin Milk Dispute.

In view of the immediate dangers to the health of infants in the greater Dublin area as a result of the milk strike——

Would the Minister be prepared to answer the questions that were postponed?

They will be dealt with in the ordinary way. The Deputy will appreciate that the Chair has no function in making an exception in any case.

It is not my wish to be difficult, but I thought it would be possible for the Minister to answer.

There is a Private Notice Question before us.

In view of the immediate dangers to the health and nutrition of infants in the greater Dublin area because of the milk supply situation, would the Minister state what plans he has, in the event of a continued shortage, to alleviate these dangers?

The Eastern Health Board have made arrangements for the supply of powdered milk for children and for expectant and nursing mothers who are eligible for such services. This milk is being made available at five health clinics on the north side of the city and at six health clinics on the south side. The board are keeping this emergency service under review and the service will be extended if it is found necessary to extend it. To date demand has been low.

Would the Minister be concerned about the arrival of non-pasteurised milk to the Dublin area, having regard to the infection elements of such milk? Would he be prepared to launch immediately an advertising campaign to make all mothers aware of the necessity of boiling this milk?

That is being done. The Department have issued a number of statements to the effect that anybody using milk that has not been pasteurised should boil it but if the strike is prolonged we will continue to reiterate that warning.

In the event of an increase in the demand will there be an extension of the availability of powdered milk?

Is there any plan to communicate to residents' associations the warnings regarding the use of unpasteurised milk?

I can discuss that with the Department, but perhaps the best form of issuing these warnings is by way of radio and television.

Is it intended to continue issuing these warnings by way of the media?

We all hope that the strike may be over, but if it looks like continuing we shall continue to issue further warnings.

With the permission of the Ceann Comhairle, I propose to raise on the Adjournment the matter of the rejection by the Post Office technicians of the latest offer having regard to the effects a further stoppage may have on the country's already ailing telecommunications system.

The Chair will communicate with the Deputy during the afternoon.
