Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 7 Dec 1978

Vol. 310 No. 6

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Full-time Youth Officers.


asked the Minister for Education his Department's position in relation to the training of full-time youth officers in this country.

Some time ago I announced my intention to initiate an in-service training scheme in 1979.

Discussions are taking place at present between my Department and the National Youth Council of Ireland concerning the proposed format of the training scheme.

The Minister indicated that he intends to create about 20 full-time positions for professional youth workers and presumably some of these will be teachers who will apply for such positions. Would their salary be related to their teaching salary, and if after some time they left the position of professional youth worker could they re-enter the salary scale in the teaching profession at the point at which they would have been had they stayed in the teaching profession?

The Deputy will appreciate that the important fact here is that the scheme should be introduced and that such personnel would be available. The Deputy will understand that matters connected with the terms of employment are matters on which I cannot adjudicate just now.

Would the Minister agree that people who apply for these positions should have some experience in working with young people before applying for such a position?

Yes, but that would cover more than teachers. People other than national teachers would qualify under the terms the Deputy has suggested.

In what regions is there greatest need for professional youth workers?

I am not giving a short answer, but the greatest need will be decided upon when that question is examined. That is the purpose of the examination which is taking place at the moment.

Will the examination include the allocation of professional workers to the various organisations? Has the Minister decided on a method whereby these people will be placed?

That decision has not yet been made.

Would the Minister be good enough to say whether or not the absence of a national youth policy is causing difficulties in making decisions on these matters and if so, when we might expect the publication of a national youth policy.

I cannot agree with the Deputy. Our policy is crystal clear and we know precisely where we are going. My speech to the members of organisations, the NYC in Castledermot a month ago, established that and was accepted by all present.

Has the Minister got a published national youth policy?

Yes. It is understood by everybody operating in that field.

That is news to me.

What is more important is that we are acting upon it.
