Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 20 Feb 1979

Vol. 311 No. 9

Written Answers. - Bord na Móna.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy in respect of the Public Capital Programme 1978 and 1979, in relation to Bord na Móna, (a) the authorised and the "actual" expenditure on the new briquette factory at Littleton, (b) the capital cost, including renewals of machinery, of the three existing briquette factories, including interest charges, (c) the capital cost of the moss peat factories, including renewals of machinery and interest charges, and (d) the capital cost of developing the third development programme including machinery and the interest charges.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy in expansion of the Bord na Móna Accounts for 1976/77 and 1977/78, the "value" of the 771,769 and 873,954 tonnes of milled peat delivered to briquette factories, and the estimated "cash" receipts, in each year, received by the Board from the "actual" sales of briquettes.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy the actual source of the £705,134 stated to be contributed by Bord na Móna towards "development" in the accounts for 1977/78 indicating the amount raised by (a) loans, (b) transfers from incomes, and (c) other sources.


asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy the cost of "new machinery and equipment purchased for established bogs which has been charged to revenue" appearing in the 1977/78 accounts of Bord na Móna and referred to on page 21 of the 1977/78 accounts, at note LA.

With the permission of the Ceann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 185, 186, 187 and 188 together.

The information requested by the Deputy in so far as it is available is as follows:

The revenue from the sales of briquettes amounted to £5.2 million in 1976/77 and to £6.4 million in 1977/78.

The sum of £705,134 contributed by the board towards the development of new bog areas came from the trading surplus for the year ended 31 March 1978.

The information requested in connection with the Public Capital Programme for 1978 and 1979 is as follows:






Authorised Expenditure on Littleton briquette factory



Actual Expenditure on Littleton briquette factory



(to date)

(b) and (c) No provision is made in the capital programmes for 1978 and 1979 in respect of these items.






Capital cost of developing the Third Development Pro-gramme, including machinery and interest charges



The other information requested by the Deputy relates to purely internal accounting procedures by the board and I do not regard it as reasonable to request the board to supply this information.
