Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 20 Feb 1979

Vol. 311 No. 9

Written Answers. - Disabled Persons' Facilities.


asked the Minister for the Environment the facilities available to a person (details supplied) in Dublin in view of his partial disability arising out of a stroke suffered in November 1978 and if he will assist in at least partially covering the costs of building an extension at this house because of this person's inability to negotiate the stairs.

A special scheme of grants administered by county councils and corporations of county boroughs is available to assist in structural works which will make existing houses more suitable for the proper accommodation of physically disabled persons. Details of this scheme are set out in my reply to Question No. 195.

I am informed by Dublin Corporation that they have no record of an application for a grant from the person named.


asked the Minister for the Environment the availability of any grants or financial assistance available to people who may be disabled, or partially disabled, for the purposes of building an extension to their home, due to their inability to negotiate stairs; and if he will give details of other help or assistance which is available in these circumstances.

A special grant may be paid in respect of the provision of an extra room or other structural work in an existing house which is necessary for the proper accommodation of a person suffering from physical or severe mental handicap. The grant scheme is administered by county councils and corporations of county boroughs who may pay up to the full approved cost of the work in the case of a non-vested local authority house or flat, or up to two-thirds of the cost in the case of other houses or flats. My Department recoup half of the cost incurred by the local authority, subject to a maximum recoupment of £1,200 in any case.

A disabled person may be eligible for aid from sources under the control of other Ministers, to whom separate questions might be addressed. Philanthropic bodies also provide aid and services for disabled and handicapped persons.
