Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 5 Apr 1979

Vol. 313 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - CIE Rolling Stock.


asked the Minister for Tourism and Transport if the rolling stock possessed by CIE is in need of replacement; if any consideration is given at present to replacing the rolling stock on particular lines; and the names of these lines.

I would refer the Deputy to my speech in the House on 14 March 1979 when I stated that CIE's proposals for the electrification of the Howth-Bray suburban rail service, including the acquisition of new rolling stock, were under consideration by the Government.

CIE have also submitted proposals for the acquisition of new mainline carriages the purpose of which is to extend the use of air-conditioned coaches to all basic scheduled mainline services. These proposals are under examination.

When will a decision be made on those proposals?

I hope to have a decision reasonably soon.

Is there any chance of a decision on the Dublin suburban rolling stock before it all falls to pieces?

The Deputy can be assured that a decision will be made reasonably soon. We are dealing here with very large amounts of money and we have to ensure that it is spent in the best possible way.

Is the Minister aware of the deterioration of the rolling stock on the Dublin line, and what does he intend doing about that?

When did the Minister last travel on the standard or second class coach on the Dublin-Dun Laoghaire line?

I have seen them but I have not travelled in them for quite a while. I am aware of the situation.

The Minister has seen them flash past while he was stationary. When did he last travel in a second class carriage on the Dublin suburban system? It is easy for the Minister to wave but I can assure him that they are among the dirtiest, shabbiest carriages this side of Calcutta. They are an absolute disgrace.

Is the Minister acquainted with the file on this matter? He will see on the file that CIE have made it clear that they can no longer be responsible for the rolling stock on this line or for maintaining any service for the people who travel on it unless there is an immediate increase in cash to them.

The Minister is aware of the condition of the coaches. The matter is being considered by the Government. As I stated, in the course of the debate on this matter during Private Members' Business, we are dealing with considerable sums of money. We must ensure that that money is utilised as effectively as possible for a variety of reasons, including reducing the congested state of the roads.

That did not trouble Fianna Fáil in the manifesto.

Does the Minister subscribe to the nonsense proposed by the Minister of State, that the Minister would make the decision on the basis of his guess as to whether people would use an improved system or not?

I will not allow the House to get into a debate on this matter.

I am not aware of the statement the Deputy has referred to.

We are getting off the rails.

Can we take it that as the capital budget for this year only increases CIE's capital fund from about £30 million to about £50 million the word "soon" in the Minister's reply does not mean 1979 but 1980?

The Deputy is being a bit childish about this. He ought to recognise that when we are dealing with enormous sums of money we must take care that it is utilised as effectively as possible.

I wish to raise this matter on the Adjournment.

If I am childish I should like to remind the Minister that his Government threw away £10 million in wealth tax. The Government did not bother to do their sums very well on that.

And threw away £14 million on car tax.

What about the farmers' levy?
