asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy to establish a peat briquette factory at Bellacorick, Ballina, in view of the amount of bogland available, the employment potential, and the constant movement into the county of large numbers of peat briquettes.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Mayo Peat Briquette Factory.
There has been no change in the position indicated in my replies to similar questions by the Deputy on 27 April 1978 and 24 October 1978. I can, therefore, only repeat that Bord na Móna have on several occasions examined the possibility of erecting a peat briquette factory in the Bellacorick area of County Mayo and have concluded that it is not feasible as the extent of the available boglands is not adequate to permit economic peat production by present methods in the quantities which would be required to maintain a briquette factory.
Does the Minister of State consider that there is not a sufficient amount of bogland available?
She must never have been down there.