Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Dáil Éireann díospóireacht -
Thursday, 25 Oct 1979

Vol. 316 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Radio Stations.


asked the Minister for Tourism and Transport the plans, if any, to establish shore VHF radio stations to assist shipping.


asked the Minister for Tourism and Transport if he will arrange for the establishment of a radio station at Dunmore East, County Waterford to facilitate shipping off the south-east coast, in particular shipping bound for the ports of Cork, Waterford, Rosslare and Dublin.

With the permission of the Ceann Comhairle, I propose to take Questions Nos. 22 and 25 together.

The position about medium frequency radio coverage off the south-east coast is that there are a number of marine radio stations on the west coast of Britain which, like Valentia and Malin Head, maintain a constant listening watch in accordance with international arrangements. These stations provide ample coverage for shipping in the south-east area and there would be no point in duplicating the already adequate facilities by providing a further manned coast radio station to serve the area.

As regards VHF coverage the general question of the provision of VHF radio facilities around our coasts is under study at present in my Department. The study includes full consideration of the VHF requirements of the south-east coast shipping areas.

Is the legislation which has been introduced and the further legislation promised in relation to broadcasting by commercial stations of any relevance to this issue?

No, it is not.

This would not facilitate the Minister in expediting VHF transmission?

No. We are examining the situation in regard to VHF around the coast to see what can be done. I hope that in respect of Valentia and Malin we will have VHF facilities relatively soon. We are also giving consideration to sites in other areas.
